Tulum is changing. How greed is winning.

“Once destroyed, natures beauty cannot be repurchased at any price.”

~ Ansel Adams

Our slice of paradise is under threat


We have spent the last fourteen years caring for, protecting, and regenerating our small slice of paradise here on Tulum beach. Located on the quieter side at the end right before the entrance to the most majestic piece of biosphere we have ever known.

Unfortunately all of that is changing. Tulum is exploding. Growing exponentially. Bursting at its seams. The tidal wave of “progress” is making its way to us. Being built upon protected UNESCO World Heritage site land the neighboring property to the south of us is constructing a beach club or as they say an “eternal party” an “everlasting music experience”.

We have been fighting the good fight. Lawyers, environmental groups, and the press were contacted. A protest took place at the end of last year, and the Mexican agency PROFEPA did determine that this was an illegal project that would bring harm to this fragile ecosystem and shut the project down. Since then the money and corruption has spoken louder than the good people of our community and the project was once again under way. It is with our hearts breaking that we watch these types of people take over and exploit our precious home.

  • Ecocide

    Building on “protected” Sian Ka’an land, a new venue called Aeternum, is using steel and concrete to build a place for electronic music festivals in a nature preserve. The amount of pollution on all levels that such a venue brings will be devastating to this fragile eco system. Notice the in ground swimming pool? More proof that this group of builders and investors only care about making money at any cost. It will cost dearly though….it will cost nature her life.

  • Save our Dunes

    There is a call to action to care of our costal dune, not destroy it on this protest banner. The project next to us, Aeternum, has cut the natural sand dune down to make way for beach beads and raves. Our dunes protect inland areas from swells, tides, and winds, they must be protected and defended like national treasures. Dunes also provide a home for returning sea turtles to make their nests. Which will no longer be possible with the lights, noise, and inhibited beach area.

  • Destruction Continues

    While our communities efforts to protest and bring a spotlight on this gross atrocity happening in our backyard have been admirable unfortunately it appears that for now greed is winning. We did march 10k with a large group and banners condemning what is taking place. This project does continue and appears to be opening soon. A music festival by Anywhere Festival is planned for this site for mid April 2022 with an expected attendance of 1,000-1,500 people.


Current Situation

**Update March 24, 2022 - The FGR, Attorney General, has sent their government agency to shut down this business. “Clausurado” signs have been posted thru out the property and the entrance roped off. Despite being in violation of this official governmental order they are continuing to be open to paying guests.

**Update April 5, 2022 - The beach club is still open for business and playing DJ style music. We have been told that their hours of operation are closed Mondays, Tues-Sun 12pm-11pm. We have also been notified of a one day music event being held on Saturday April 8th by EET @estoestulum. As an organization they claim to support protection of the environment. Perhaps they are not aware that their chosen venue, Aeternum, is actively polluting the local environment and dumping waste and trash while they have also destroyed any chance for the sea turtles to make their nests on the beach this season.

**Update May 27, 2022 - As of today the project next door is currently Closed indefinitely. They have put a fence up in the front and back to restrict access. We have no idea how long this closure will last but we are grateful everyday for the peace and tranquility that has returned to our precious home.

*Updated March 19th, 2022 -

So many of us have done what we can to put a stop to this sort of development in Tulum, but this project continues to move forward. The beach club has officially opened for business today. While we still do not know what its hours of operation will be, or what sort of clientele it will attract there is already almost daily noise of music coming from their sound system with an intrusive club like base affecting our tranquility and drowning out the beautiful sounds of nature. Government officials did come and shut down the building project twice this month as they did not have the necessary permits for construction. The workers were sent away only to return hours later and resume their work. There is no denying that this will have a tremendous impact on our guests, our own lifestyle (as this is our personal home), and all of the wildlife in this region.

“When we destroy something created by man it is called vandalism. But when we destroy something by nature it is called Progress.”

There may not be a way for you to personally help stop what is currently happening here at Olas, but we do ask that when you travel to do so consciously. Take the time to find out the ways and what companies are exploiting the area you are visiting. Your greatest power is how you spend your money. Make sure it is going to benefit the local community, and that you are spending it at hotels and restaurants that show a commitment to saving our planet and not just lining their pockets.

“We are living on this planet as if we had another one to go to.”


An independent documentary exploring both the beauty and betrayal of Tulum, Mexico - and what can be done to change it.